West Sound Paranormal would like to hear if you’ve had a paranormal experience here, or have any additional information about this location, please leave a comment below.
McMenamins Grand Lodge is an impressive hotel tucked away in Forest Grove, Oregon. This historic lodge was once a Masonic & Eastern Star property and was built to be a home for poor, sick, and elderly Masons and their families. This building has been standing for almost a century now, and according to legend, it has several paranormal guests.
The building was built, starting in the 1920s, as a Masonic and Eastern Star Home for the state of Oregon. Over the years, it was used to house poor, elderly, sick, and distressed Master Masons and their families.
The quaint Children’s Cottage is a neighboring building on the grounds. This cottage was originally intended to be a home for orphans of Masons.
In 1999, the property was bought and renovated by McMenamin’s.
Reported Paranormal Activity:
One of the most common ghost sightings is of an elderly woman in a dress and slippers, walking down the hallways. She is said to bear a strong resemblance to a woman who lived in the building for many years. Other stories involve witnesses seeing a child-like apparition standing on a balcony. When the child is approached, he mysteriously vanishes. Many similar encounters have been reported at the lodge over the years.
Our Investigation:
Our Investigators reserved rooms 115, 217 & 219. They investigated the surrounding grounds and the main Masonic Lodge building. Unfortunately, the Children’s Cottage was kept locked during our investigation.
3 Investigators participated from WestSound Paranormal.
Equipment used – EMF readers, K-II meters, Video Cameras, DVR, Trail cams, Audio recorders, digital cameras, flashlights, and Spirit box.
Set up three Trail Cams (motion detected) one in each of our rooms.
The weather was calm outside.
Normal activity in the Hotel lobby and hallways with people coming and going until quiet time. 10 PM
We will post our findings after reviewing the Audio and Video recordings.
Be sure to check out the Photo Gallery below for some amazing photos.
While visiting the lodge on an impromptu overnight stay we were wondering the halls reading the walls writing. I lost sight of my fiancé, thinking she had walked down the stairs and disrupted the curtails. I distinctly heard very loudly wind chimes in the hall. I located her just around the east corner. I asked if she to had heard the chimes. She said she absolutely had not heard them, thinking she was teasing me I pressed furthers she was adamant that she had not.
Has anyone else heard them?