Do you think your house is haunted?

Is it Paranormal? Every house will have random noises, shifting, pops, etc. with settling foundations, weather, and heat exchange, but hauntings are much different. After you live in a house for a while you get familiar with all the everyday noises. The ice maker, the refrigerator, the clock ticking, the water heater, washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc. They all make noise.  But what about those unexplained sounds?   for instance. The knocking, the whispering, the rattling. All those noises you’ve tried to figure out but can’t.

Are you experiencing any of these?

  1. Having strange Dreams:
  2. Hearing things
  3. Seeing things
  4. Malfunctioning devices
  5. Finding things out of place
  6. Pet’s reacting to something that’s not there
  7. Feel like you’re being touched
  8. Feel like you’re not alone
  9. Moving Objects
  10. Lights turning on or off

Your house may be haunted if you answered yes to any of those.

Researching the history of your home

Do you know the history of your house? Has anyone died in the house? Has any of the past owners died?

How to find out if someone died in your house

The previous owners are required to disclose this information depending on your state—some states require notifications based on the number of years that have passed. You can snoop around at your local library to check public records like census records and city directories. You can even look up death certificates.  We have used a couple of websites that do the research for you at a reasonable cost.

Died in House™ – Has Anyone Ever Died in Your House

Who Died In This House? – NeighborWhoÂŽ Official Site

House Search

Search Address on Google

The next best (and free) way to find out any dirt about your property would be through searching the address on a search engine like Google. You might be able to find some online news articles or contemporaneous information on blogs or forums.

Quick tip: Try entering the house number and street name in quotes and leave the type of road (Avenue, Street, etc) outside of those quotes. For example, the search 123 Main Street NW becomes “123 Main Street” NW. This will help broaden the search results and may turn up more information about your house. If it’s too broad, try including the type of road in quotes as well.

Also, try a Twitter Search while you’re at it. Sometimes you’ll find addresses mentioned by newscasters’ people who report on information over police scanners. Doesn’t hurt to try!

Search Historical Newspapers

If you live in an older home, searching newspaper archives may yield some fruitful information. You can search an address into these websites and you may find a digitized article that mentions your house. My go-to website for such searches is Newspaper Archive.

 Talk to Locals

Talking to neighbors is another free strategy that can yield far more valuable information than anything that can be found on the web. Chances are, some of your neighbors have been living in their homes for decades. They know all about the past occupants of your house and could provide some very useful information.

As you can imagine, someone dying in a neighborhood is a big deal. There are ambulances, police, firefighters, the coroner, and sometimes even news media. Anyone in the neighborhood at the time will surely remember it and could recall what happened to you. They’ll be able to provide a far more vivid and accurate depiction of what happened than news or police reports. Don’t be afraid to ask!

If you believe your house is haunted

In fact, We can help you determine what or who is occupying your home with you.  Contact us for a free investigation.